United VARs – Stronger than one
Who is United VARs ?
In the world of small and medium enterprises, United VARs is the largest and first of the SAP Partners. This network aims to be the leader in international deployment projects.
United VARs represents more than sixty Partners and now operates in more than one hundred countries. The Partners are established locally and represent for SAP the best Partners in each of the countries.
Each United VARs Partner is an independent company whose capital is majority owned by its Officers. This independence ensures the sustainability of decisions and the respect of commitments, both towards other United VARs Members and its Customers.
The partners have a perfect knowledge of the regulations, language, customs and local environment of the country in which they operate. The life of the company is the life of all its Customers: The same uses, the same schedules, the same way of life. Plus one of the major elements of the success of United VARS for the services it provides to its Customers: An experience and an international vision of SAP projects.
In France, the United VARs Partner is Augusta Reeves
In few words, the return of Karl Fahrbach, Chief Partner Officer and Member of the Senior Executive Team at SAP and Bobby Vetter, SVP Global Partner Operations – Solution Portfolio Management at SAP:
Karl Fahrbach: “Fifteen years ago, six SAP solution providers founded the United Vars global alliance with a charter to support international SAP projects with a focus on midmarket customers. Today United Vars is a global reseller and SAP Platinum Partner, with more than 50 members around the world.”
Bobby Vetter: “Together with United Vars – Who are Co-innovating with us, reselling and implementing SAP solutions – We deliver innovations to our customers so they can gain competitive advantage, grow their business and at the same time improve operational efficiences based on Best-in-class industry solutions and real time insights.”
In recognition of the quality of its services, United VARS has received Platinum Partner Certification, SAP’s highest status, which is awarded only to the top ten Partners in the world.
Why choose United VARs ?
Your company is setting up internationally or is already present and you want to deploy the SAP solution within its subsidiaries. Or as soon as you implement the SAP solution, you already have subsidiaries that you want to integrate into the solution:
We realize for You and with You an International project with Local actors all members of a unique organization. If you wish, you can choose to keep only one interlocutor to organize, orchestrate, follow all the management of the project:
From the implementation of the solution to its deployment; from its production (Go Live) to the implementation of its Support (”Follow the sun”); United VARS provides you with local actors who:
Are from your culture and whose language is their mother tongue
Are leaders in the SAP world in your market and in the world of SMBs
Know the tax and social regulations of your country
Work the same hours as Your Teams
Already have several implementation projects under their belt
Have already worked on deployment projects
Have privileged access to the publisher and its latest solutions
Benefit from the experience and support of United VARs' 10,000 Consultants and their multi-solution experience
Implement SAP, deploy it, share data, consolidate your accounts: That’s why United VARs was created.
Knowing how to do it and doing it well is the reason why United VARs has been around since 2006 and has become sap’s 1st Partner since 2019 in the world of Small and Medium Enterprises.
A bit of history
Creation of United VARs (Europe and Korea)
Extension to North America
Creation of United VARs LLP
1st Participation in SAPPHIRE
Expansion of the Asia zone
Platinum Partner certification
United VARs tops Platinum Partners
United VARs Special award Recognition Partner of the year at the Pinacle award
United VARs over 100 millions de licences
To be followed: United is still at the top of the Platinum Partner list

United VARs values
Our values are one of the foundations of our organization: They represent our corporate culture and their respect is the basis of our success.
United VARs: A Responsible Actor (CSR Projects)
For several years, United Vars has been committed to CSR projects.
Being the best compagny in the economic world is no longer enough, we must also be a best compagny in the world arount us.
This is the best way to thank our clients : Through the projects, they entrust to us, we use part of our profits to invest in a Better World.
Two examples of the projects in which United VARs has been involved.
Cambodia: WASH Project: Water, Sanitary Facilities and Hygiene training
Drinking water and sanitation in nine schools, each with more than 120 students and their teachers, is one of our current goals. In the past, we have already been able to carry out school projects of this type under the title WASH (Water, Sanitary Facilities and Hygiene Training).
Since many schools in northern Cambodia have so far had to do without fresh water, WASH projects make a practical and effective contribution to improving the health situation of students – and also their families, as children bring home and disseminate newly acquired knowledge about drinking water.
The objective is to implement the following ten measures:
Construction and commissioning of a rainwater collection system with 4,000-litre rainwater tanks
Installation of BSF (biosand filter)
Construction of sanitary buildings with latrines
Construction of hygiene stations (handwashing stations)
First filling of rainwater tanks with clean drinking water
Training of teachers and school administrators in home water treatment and storage (HWTS) and in the operation, use and maintenance of BSF
Training of approximately 120 students in HWTS and the operation and use of BSF
Water quality testing in rainwater tanks and the OSB
Training of teachers and school administrative staff in hygiene and disposal practices and techniques
Training of about 120 students in hygiene practices and techniques
Origin and Meaning – WASH Project
Already during our aid trip in January/February 2013, we became aware of the disastrous conditions of a school near Banan. There is no drinking water, no possibility to wash hands and no toilet. Children go to the toilet in the bushes behind the school. It’s easy to imagine the health risks this condition poses.
When Bong and I, along with our team, visited the school during class, we asked the children who had something to drink. About 30% of young children have water with them, filled in an old plastic bottle, cloudy and incredibly dirty. When a little girl proudly takes out her bottle to drink, I suddenly feel the need to drop the bottle from her hand. It makes me cry, especially considering the fact that I have a little girl at home. The idea that she should drink this broth and then do her emergency work (95% diarrhea) behind the school, all without toilet paper and without the possibility of washing her hands…. this thought doesn’t let me go for days. We develop a plan to change the condition.
Back in Germany, I have the opportunity to present this project to the Rotary Club Willich. My listeners quickly realize that here, many children can be helped sustainably with little money. The projects are sustainable, efficient and almost unbeatable in terms of budget and quality/quantity of aid. We are building a pilot project and one of our most successful programs has its origins: WASH.
Today, four years later, in cooperation with the two Austrian organizations “asser-für-die-Welt” and “Last-Hope”, the Rotary Clubs “Willich” and “Neuss”, the initiative www.moeglichkeitenschenken.de of our partner agency springer f3 and of course our partner organization Bareebo, we have already converted 21 schools and helped some 3,000 children.
Argentina - CSR Project: Improving living conditions and health of children
In 2021, United VARs is committed to supporting a CSR project for the children of the Santa Maria de la Armonía project in Argentina, 380 km from Buenos Aires. Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. will work closely with the Sisters of Armonia to identify the families who need our support the most, with daily challenges such as:
- Lack of regular access to safe drinking water, which causes families to suffer from water-related diseases, such as diarrhoea.
- Virtually no toilets or sanitary facilities and limited hygiene possibilities.
- No regular family life, often victims of domestic violence, drugs and prostitution at an early age.
- No educational opportunities and, unfortunately, no life prospects.
The vision of the project is to improve the living conditions and health of 100 to 150 children in rural areas, through teaching and supervision of homework, sports, games and hot meals. We want to bring comfort and compassion to the children of Argentina. Children need hope for a better future.
To achieve this, the project will hire Argentine teachers, as well as some of the parents to work in the home and kitchen, helping the whole family. This project is sustainable in many ways, as it is intended to:
- Strengthen the educational offer through a local partner and help maintain its infrastructure.
- Strengthen children’s families so that they can even send their children to school.
- Immediately improve children’s health through improved hygiene and clean drinking water.